Jewish Story
A similar story is told in the Old testament of the Jewish Bible about the birth of Moses. At that time, the Jews were enslaved in Egypt. They slaved day and night to build Pharoah’s pyramids. Starved, beaten, they laboured in the hot sun, making bricks of straw and mud, hauling heavy materials and obeying the commands of cruel overlords. If any fault was found, they could be whipped and punished in many ways. They prayed and yearned for deliverance from this slavery.
At that time, a priest foretold that a Hebrew boy would one
day kill him. As it was, the Egyptians
were already concerned about the growing population of Jews, that one day they
might rise up and become politically powerful. The prophecy persisted and the
rumour spread that the Hebrews were waiting for a Messianic deliverer. Pharoah then ordered them to be treated even more
ruthlessly. Finally, in response to the prophecy of the oracle, he ordered that
every Hebrew boy be killed – be thrown into the Nile river. Girls could be spared.
A woman from the Jewish tribe of Levi named
Jochebed, gave birth to a son and hid him for three months. When she realized that the danger was too
great – that he might be discovered and killed, she made a small basket out of
papyrus and pitch and floated the basket in the reeds of the Nile river. His sister, Miriam, watched the basket from a
distance to see what was happening to it. In time, the Pharoah’s sister was
seen wading into the Nile.
She spotted the basket and sent her servant to fetch the basket.
When she discovered the child, he was crying and she felt sorry for him. She
was also secretly delighted – as if the gods had granted her wish for a child, so
she kept him as her own. Realizing that
he was a Hebrew child, she asked her servant to find a Hebrew woman to nurse
him. Thus Jochebed was brought and given
the child to nurse until he was weaned.
The child was named Moses – “one whom I have drawn from the water.” She raised him in the palace as an Egyptian
Christian Story
The universal theme is repeated in the New
Testament of the Christian faith. When
Jesus was born, the Magi who came to honour him, asked King Herod who was the
Roman-appointed ruler at the time, where they could find the King of the
Jews. Fearing that he could lose his
throne to a King of the Jews, he ordered
that all young male children of the Hebrews be killed. This assault on the male
children of the Hebrews is often called The Massacre of the Innocents and is
depicted as such in art.
An angel of the Lord appeared to Joseph in a dream and said, "Get up! Take the Child and His mother and flee to Egypt, and remain there until I tell you; for Herod is going to search for the Child to destroy Him." So Joseph got up and took the Child and His mother while it was still night, and left for Egypt. Many stories are told about their flight and sacred sites are found along the way. After some time, upon hearing of the death of King Herod, the holy family returns to Israel.
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